Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Summer Blues

So. It's 106 degrees here today and I am focused on cold-weather accessories and holiday decorations...what's wrong with this thought process. I'm an organizer, a devote planner and lover of the perfect presentation~none of which happen at the last minute.

Hence the look ahead at what in a few short weeks will be on everyone's mind~fashionable, unique fall accessories...

I present to you my latest hand knit scarf Blueberry Puree created with a variety of yarns and fibers against a 100% pure Merino Wool body.

Blueberry Collage 
Speaking of "blueberries", need a tasty accompaniment to your morning coffee? Nothing beats the softness and pure summer flavor of fresh blueberry scones...

Okay, back to work now...I have been loading schemata with a rainbow of new hand painted glass cube ornaments...you know, there are only 122 days until Christmas?


  1. I do believe your scarves are beautiful no matter what the temperature!! Very cool!

  2. oh those cubes are gorgeous! i admire your dedication to the holidays in all that heat! :)

  3. Christine~it is a gorgeous, deep blue isn't it?

    Awe, thank you Miss Alice-a true fan!

    Wild Woman Jewelry~it's not a surprise I am so dedicated, I am a sucker for a pretty holiday tree.



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